If you're new to cloth diapering ("CD" for short), you're probably overwhelmed by all the styles, fabrics, brands, covers, and systems to choose from. There are four main types of cloth diapers:
1. Prefold and cover: This is the most basic and economical CD system. It consists of a rectangular diaper that is folded onto baby and then wrapped with a cover. Prefolds are usually made of cotton, and organic cotton is quite affordable. To get started, you need 18-24 prefold plus about 6 covers. Covers that are wet only can be used several times before washing. Pr
ices range from $14.00 to $25.00 per dozen depending on size. All of my prefolds except for the toddler size are organic cotton. With prefolds and covers you can diaper your baby from birth to potty training in organic cotton for about $350!
2. Fitted and cover: This system provides a bit more convenience than a prefold and cover. It consists of a diaper with elastic around the legs and waist, thus providing a better fit than a prefold. It is secured with snaps or velcro, and then
wrapped with a cover (you can use the same covers used with a prefold). Many fitteds come in a "one-size" option, meaning that they can be adjusted to fit baby from birth to potty training! Prices range from $13.99 to $15.99 for organic cotton. With fitteds and covers you can diaper your baby from birth to potty training in organic cotton for about $500.
3. Pockets: Pockets are an extremely convenient CD option. A pocket diaper is one diap
er that has sewn-in waterproofing on the outside, with no need for an extra cover. The diaper is "hollow" on the inside, allowing for absorbent material to be inserted. After use, you simply pull out the cloth insert, and wash both the pocket diaper and the absorbent insert. Prices range from $17.95 to $19.95. With pocket diapers by FuzziBunz you can cloth diaper your baby from birth to potty training for as little as $400. I also carry the two-size Duo-Diaper from Thirsties ($17.95) and the two-size Easy Fit from Tot-Bots ($18.95/$23.95).